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The nutrients you consume now have a lasting impact on your health.

Is This You?

Could you be doing more for your health but don't know where to start?


Have you been diagnosed with cardiovascular disease, kidney disease, diabetes, etc. and want to manage it (or prevent it) with a healthy diet?


Do you wonder if you could improve how you feel by improving the quality of the food you eat?


Are you ready to ditch the diet roller coaster and make realistic life-long changes that are sustainable?


If so, I want to help you turn your concerns into healthy, life-changing action.

The Strategy

Initial assessment: We will review your dietary intake, lifestyle habits, relationship with food, and clinical data to figure out the most optimal changes you can make to reach your goals.


Follow ups: We will review your progress. We will discuss your struggles and how to overcome them in addition to celebrating your successes.


Accountability through a secure online platform where you can track your meals so we can figure out the exact changes that would benefit you the most.


Lifestyle strategies whether you need help with nausea, low energy, or a hectic life style.


Help with meal planning, grocery shopping, dining out, and vacation strategies.


Supplement suggestions, if applicable.


Collaboration with your medical professionals so we can make sure we are working as a team in your best interest.


All meetings will be virtual via video call.

Lane takes an integrative approach to nutrition, looking for the root cause of your ailments through a thorough assessment of nutrient intake and lifestyle, clinical data, and evidence-based techniques. Every client and their treatment is unique to them. Together, we will come up with a health plan that will work for you for the long run.

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